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Town hall & cathedral of Guestrow

Welcome to the town hall & cathedral of G�strow

Image Copyright: RG-Webservice

None of the Mecklenburger town halls in the classicism style is so festive and inviting as the one in G�strow. 1798 were the four existing gable houses with connecting eaves through the G�strower�master builder�D.A. Kufahl furnished with a fine, consistant composed facade.�

The sensible use of pilasters and garlands calls attention to the change from the Louis-Seize-Style to the stricter classicism style. The town has been undergoing a restoration since July 2000 and should it be finished in the year 2002.The on the market bordering Middle-class houses in different building styles, from half-timbered upright construction (16th-century) to the historism (20th-century), along the market, makes the bigger development stages of the construction culture visible.

Image Copyright: RG-Webservice

The building of the cathedral started in 1226, after a grandson of Henry the Lion, Heinrich Borwin II decided on his deathbed to set up a trust. The consecration of the altar was only done in 1335, as the construction took a long time.
At the Güstrower cathedral one can recognise the change from Romanesque to gothic very well, like in many church buildings of the 13th-century. The crosswise layout and the long stretching choir room show the romantic concept. The massive west tower is 44 metres high.

The interior decoration of the cathedral is important. Pieces of art from the 15th and 16th-century as well as 'Der Schwebende Engel' (the floating angel) by Ernst Barlach can be admired here. The former Domfreiheit (cathedral freedom) was reconstructed in 1995. The surrounding middle-class houses mediate the special kind of flair of a medieval ensemble.

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